Living Ageless

Feeling better, living a healthier life and improved happiness are all topics that catch my attention, and I’m guessing yours as well.

Becoming Ageless is for anyone looking to achieve some or all of the following personal goals.

-Live as long and healthily as possible while being cogent and mobile

-Be fit and strong

-Perform my job at my highest level

-Push my limits both mentally and physically

-Be connected spiritually

Creative Living 

Aging is part of life just as toddlerhood, adolescence and adulthood are part of the continuum.

Our bodies, like trees have genetic material encoded but there are many other factors that affect growth, development and health.

Recent studies in mind body psychology indicate that enriching life experiences that evoke newness actually stimulate new brain growth.

New brain patterns occur during creative moments of art, music, dance, drama, humor, literature, spirituality, awe, joy and cultural rituals. They can positively affect healing and the aging process.

Yes, we may be living longer but quality of life begins every day with making choices to promote health, creativity, neurogenesis or new brain neural pathways and a strong immune system. How? We can choose to live a more creative healthy happy and stimulating life!