Unclutter Your Life And Have More Time For Fun!

Why Should You Declutter Your Life?

Now that Spring has sprung and Summer is just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to unclutter your life so that you’ll have more time for fun in the sun!

And decluttering your life can also help you make more space in your life for the people and things that really matter.

Many older adults including both women and men dread the thought of decluttering their life however, it doesn’t have to be stressful.

In fact, you can take small steps toward reducing clutter in your life by scheduling a bit of time each day for an hour or two.

If you commit to decluttering your life by making it a part of your daily activities you’ll not only feel more focused and productive, you’ll also feel less stressed out and frazzled.

Are you ready to start decluttering your life? If so, here are a few ways to help you remove a bit of clutter from your every day so you can have more time for fun (and adventure)!

Declutter Your Schedule

It’s easy to load your proverbial plate with commitment after commitment. Between work, volunteering, family, cooking and cleaning, and keeping up a social life, it can be hard to find time to breathe!

Contrary to popular belief, we don’t need to have jam-packed calendars to feel fulfilled, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Just say no, instead of feeling obligated to say yes. The word no can be a truly liberating word. Give it a try!

If you cut back on “obligations” and give yourself room to actually enjoy your life and have fun, you can then carve out enough time each week for what truly matters to you.

Live With Intention

Whenever you go shopping whether in-store or online, before you buy anything, step back and ask yourself if you really need another pair of shoes, a purse, or knick knack.

Sure, those shoes might be on sale, but do you really need another pair of black shoes? Do they bring you joy? Do they bring you pure bliss? Keep in mind, always be intentional about what you buy as you start to unclutter your life.

Next, step away from the clutter on your news feed and your inbox at least for a few hours each day!

It’s not healthy  to spend all day and night surfing the web or perusing  social media. If you do, when do you have time for staying playful and having fun?

Need help staying offline? Actually, there are some great apps out there, like Moment, that will tell you how much time you’re spending on social media each day.

The app helps you be mindful of how much time you’re actually spending on your phone, or iPad and holds you accountable.

When you download the Moment app you can set daily limits for yourself, and the app will send you a notification if and when you’ve gone over your limit.

Have More Time For Fun

You might not think you spend that much time on your phone chatting or texting, or on the Internet.

However, it’s hard to argue with an app telling you in big bold numbers that you spent a grand total of three hours surfing the web and four hours perusing social media.

Don’t let decluttering your life be a once in a lifetime thing! You can make this a habit. How? Be self-aware and live with intention.

So, make sure to remember each Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall to unclutter your life so that you can have more time for seasonal fun!

What are your tips for reducing clutter in your life? Tell us in the comments!