Stay Safe in the Summer Sun While Having Fun!

While Outdoors Make Sure You’re Protected

When you spend time outdoors this summer having fun with family and friends, don’t forget to protect your skin. From sunscreen to your outfit, we’ve got tips to keep you safe in the summer sun while having fun, compliments of Florida Blue!

A cool splash in the pool, boogie boarding at the beach and sunbathing are great for enjoying the summer. However, they also put you at risk for getting a sunburn.

Before you go outdoors, be sure to protect your skin from head to toe while having fun. in the summer sun. However, keep in mind that too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage and possibly melanoma.

Stay Safe In The Summer Sun While Having Fun

Here’s what you can do to protect your skin:

  • Use sunscreen daily. Apply sunscreen every two hours if you’re swimming or sweating. Sunscreen should have an SPF rating of 30 or higher. Get one that’s water-resistant, broad-spectrum and protects against both UVA (ultraviolet short-wave) and UVB (ultraviolet long-wave) rays. When applying, pay special attention to hands, feet and any bald spots.
  • Protect your eyes. Wear sunglasses with broad-spectrum protection. If you use contact lenses, they should have UV protection.
  • Use lip balm. Get an SPF of at least 30, and reapply after eating. You should also choose cosmetics that offer UV protection.
  • Dress to protect. Wear a hat, long sleeves and pants, when possible. For gardening, swimming and leisure, look for special clothing that protects against ultraviolet rays. The clothing should have a UVP (ultraviolet protection factor) above 30. By comparison, an ordinary tee shirt only has a UVP factor of 6. Top off your outfit with a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  • Avoid prime time sun. Try to stay indoors between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest.
  • Check skin regularly. Look for new spots or growths or changes to those you already have. See your doctor immediately if you notice anything suspicious.

While you’re having fun in the sun make sure to protect your skin from things like sun-spots, wrinkles and skin cancer that can appear years or even decades later!
