It’s Time For Summer Camp!

What’s Fun Have To Do With It?

Pack your duffel bag! It’s time for summer camp.

Summer camp originally catered to boys, who learned skills like chopping wood and  building a fire.

In fact, the very first summer camp was created by a schoolmaster in Connecticut for his students in the 1860s. Before long, many charitable organizations, clubs and social groups sponsored summer camps and summer activities.

By World War I, girls went to camp, too. Ever since, generation after generation has taken to the woods to return to the simple joys of campfires, swimming holes, and nature hikes.

Unlike the rest of our changing world, many things about summer camp have remained nearly the same decade after decade so old-fashioned snail mail still rules.

Summer Camp F-U-N!

Are roasting marshmallows, paddling around the lake, and learning camp songs part of your favorite childhood memories?

Sing-a-longs have always been a favorite summer activity — and the nightly ritual of gathering around the campfire has been part of the camp experience for decades.

And how about canoeing and other water sports that have always been a huge part of camp life fun. Which water activity was your favorite?

Do you remember writing home to friends and family as part of the sleep-away experience?

Escaping Modern Life

What’s that noise? A cricket? A bear? Sleeping in the great outdoors and telling spooky stories has always been part of the fun.

And formal swimming lessons have long been part of the routine — and who can resist the cool lake water, anyhow?

Canoes and kayaks still are popular camp pastimes, proving everything old is new again.

Tradition says that campers and counselors performs skits the last night. The sillier, the better! What kind of skit did you do?

And what about Minnetonka Moccasins, did you have a pair? (I did)

The smell of the campfire, the glow of lightning bugs, fun in the sun: all these things and more remind me of the great days spent at summer camp as a kid.

What reminds you of camp?