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    • Introduce Yourself
      Hello! Get to know your fellow ViVat members and tell us a little bit about yourself in this hub. Reply to this post and answer the following 3 easy questions...
      1. Who Are You?
      2. Where Do You Live?
      3. What Do You Hope To Get Out Of Joining ViVat?
      I'll go first... Hi, My name is Julie Anna Gans. I'm part of the ViVat team. I live in Florida, the sunshine state. I hope to be able to build with all of you not only a caring and friendly community but also a true friendship. You're turn. Leave your answers in the replies below. Thank you.
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    • 1 day, 6 hours ago

      PetrFal PetrFal

    • Progress Log
      How to use this forum section... Step 1: Create your own topic and what goal you are looking to achieve. Step 2: Post your monthly (or weekly) goal milestones and . Step 3: Record your monthly, (or weekly) goal(s). Step 4: Once you finished your monthly (or weekly goal) close the thread, and Congratulations.. you have achieved your goal. And then if you want, you can go back to Step 1 and set up a new goal! Can you give me an example of a goal? Sure. Example: If you are new to Yoga, you can set a goal like this. Weekly Goal: I want to remember all beginner yoga poses this week. So it's your weekly goal, right? Then you set out to achieve your goal for week #1. (Tip: Writing them down on paper is a good way to remember them.) You can record your progress like this. March 22nd, 2021 I have learned 4 beginner yoga poses this week!
      1. Bridge Pose
      2. Cat Pose
      3. Cobra Pose
      4. Corpse Pose
      That's it.
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    • 1 month, 3 weeks ago

      Teddy Corona