5 Fun Things To Do By Yourself

Let Your Inner Child Shine

According to research, women 55+ become less satisfied the more time they spend with friends. It’s true! Women of a certain age need fun things to do by themselves!

In fact, spending quality time with yourself is good for your overall well-being and results in greater life satisfaction. Why?

When you’re doing things alone, you don’t have to answer to anyone, you can go at your own pace, think and reflect, discover new things about yourself and improve your over all well-being.

With all of the friendships you have in your life, it probably seems impossible to get time — alone but it’s important to make room for some.

Whether you like to stay in or go out; you, all alone, by yourself can have F – U – N!

5 Fun Things To Do By Yourself

Bake a cake — and eat it.

Usually you eat cake with a group for a special occasion. But this time, make a cake — and eat a big slice of it — for no other reason than to celebrate yourself. And don’t spend one second feeling guilty about it!

Take a long drive by yourself.

Blast your favorite tunes and drive off into the sunset. There’s something so relaxing and thrilling about driving alone, with the windows down and the music up.

Act like a kid.

Do something you haven’t done since you were a kid. Maybe it’s playing on a swing set, rollerblading, or going to a carnival. It will make you feel young and carefree again.

Travel solo.

Take a cue from the book (and movie) Eat, Pray, Love and plan a solo trip. It doesn’t matter how far you go or what you do while you’re there, as long as you create some memories, and have a blast while doing it.

Take up a new hobby.

Life is short and now is the time to do that thing you’ve always dreamed of doing, whether it’s playing the guitar, photography, or gardening. Plus, when you have something fun to look forward to, you’ll be motivated to plan more alone time for yourself in the future.

So the next time your alone and bored, and believe that there is nothing to do by yourself. Think again!  Go out, or stay in and have some fun all by your lonesome!